Saturday, April 18, 2009


Component Object Model is something always makes me fascinate how things in the background can be complicated. Its nice to be able to show a component in VC++, VB, as well as expose to anyother scripting language like Javasciript, VBScript or even for that matter Perl, Python etc. I think java is also included with some tweaking. Now that is something called alnguage independent implementation. Though I have studied but I am incapable of writing a full tutorial out here as its tooooooooo complicated for even me to understand so why disillusion some reader. I will better point it to the original tutorials. Each time I read a tutorial it looks different from the previous. Thats just because this can be created in a number of ways as days pass by these ways also becomes more. But fortunately .NET has come and diverted most of the people's attention so not many ways are being developed these days.

So here is the reference to tutorials these links will help me as well in future, because whatever you learn here takes 2 days to read, 3 days to understand and 4 days to forget all the previous activities starting on day one. :-)

In pure and basic C.

Now in little better readable c++.

Did you read those, I am sure you will say phew ........ I also said so only to know that it was just the beginning.
Our verymuch beloved exportable interface(with a front visible canvas) is ActiveX.
Doing same in java will need us to write Applet which ofcourse apart from java no one else can eb use. But microsoft does things in a big way and here it goes
ActiveX in a very RAW form written in pure C++. Well ask anyone if they have heard ActiveX without MFC and ATL. damn! u didnt hear. Well i guess everybody fears that it will be so big that it cannot be done.But someone has the guts and here it comes :

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Recently I was playing a game from Its a wonderful game, all about lasers reflecting and deflecting it with mirrors and prisms. The point is you really need to apply your mind here and this is what makes the game most thrilling. Now everything cannot be explained here just go and play it :). By the way there was a time when i was so frustated that i wanted a readymade solution, so searched up net but didnt find anything except for some stupid
Now I have saved most of the screenshots, so if u need any help just shoot an email :) i will be glad to help.

Have seen one more game as this one, again with lasers and this time with three basic colors so u need to learn how to mix colors ;) aah this makes the new game more complicated. In this may be i will need some help. If you have played such a game you can reply to posts here.

Friday, May 16, 2008

About me!

Nothing much to say...

Normal enggr studies ended up into softwares :) ..... really liked electronics and softwares cudn't decide which one was best for me so gave up to fate and here I am.

weakness: time-missmanagement :) 'coz of multiple hobbies.

1. Electronics (most coveted specialization turned into hobby :) )

2. Programming ... Oops its still my profession anyways I like counting it as part of my hobby.

3. Drawing .... sketching,water, Oil ... latest trying out Oil ... but i consider myself quite adeft in water.

* The most important thing that hinders all the above hobbies is my sleep.... often long hours... but if get addicted to any of the projects frm above category then i keep up till late untill something comes out of it.

Thats in short, about me!